Check Out This Video Of Two Tangled Bucks Being Freed By A Shot From A Game Warden’s Gun
When young bucks battle for dominance during mating season, sometimes they will accidentally get their antlers tangled and on occasion they get so tangled they are unable to free themselves and the outcome of that is not good. Fortunately, we have a story that ends well here. Two tangled deer that were struggling for survival in the Kansas snow were found by two game wardens that appeared at the right time and were willing to chase them down and take a shot.
Chasing down the animals
Lynn Koch who works for the Kansas Wildlife, Parks and Tourism department had a body camera attached which captured the moment which was then posted on Facebook. On December 20th Koch and colleague Brad Hageman found two deer that were struggling to untangle their antlers. Fortunately, the two deer were not locked head to head so there were able to run next to one another which they did to escape what they perceived as being danger.
Taking a shot was the only course
In an interview with a local newspaper, the two wardens said they chased the deer for over a mile. Obviously, the deer were able to run faster than the humans, but the wardens continued with their chase across creeks and through fields and trees. The deer finally ended up on the ice and fell for just enough time for Koch to make a lucky shot. The wardens had decided this was the safest course of action.
The deer were freed
Koch took aim with his .45 Glock and took aim at the antlers of one of the bucks and shot. Fortunately, the bullet did exactly what it was supposed to do and the deer were freed and quickly ran off in separate directions into the woods. According to Koch the story doesn’t usually always end well. The game warden said he took a shot last year in an attempt to free two bucks but one of the deer had already died. On other occasions, he’s seen both buck dies from exhaustion or killed by coyotes and eaten. This time the result was positive.