Supporting the work of WWF with udopt is easy. Choose one of their animals on the right-hand side to help continue their important work. When udopt, you can expect to receive :
- A cuddly toy of your animal.
- Gift pack with animal facts, an adoption certificate, a greetings card, and tips on how to live a greener and more environmentally friendly life.
- Wild-World magazine delivered three times a year – a great read for all ages.
- Perfect as a last minute gift – get certificate to email or print out and give on the day.
Click Here to Adopt an Animal with WWF
About the WWF
Since 1961 the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) has been giving a voice to the wildlife kingdom. Its goal is summed up best as “people living in harmony with nature”, and it’s a phrase that underwrites every action and strategy that the organisation adopts.
WWF’s conservation work has never been more import with a growing human population requiring ever greater volumes of fuel, food and water. The effect this has on the environment and habitats that support the world’s wildlife is one of the key issues WWF aims to tackle.
Providing support to the WWF in the form of animal adoption is a valuable way for you to add your voice and support to the development of conservation and environmental policies.
Your donations help WWF continue to exert pressure on governments and organisations. This will ensure that tomorrow’s natural kingdom can remain healthy and be experienced first-hand, rather than in the pages of a book.
Why supporting WWF makes sense
- WWF is a science-led organization which means that the work it produces is credible and read by key-decision makers. Your donation is going to the right organisation with experts in the field.
- WWF extends its reach to a global network of over 100 countries. This makes it uniquely placed to bring together disparate environmental issues concisely, and through this documentation achieve greater respect and acknowledgement from decision makers. People listen to what WWF has to say.
- WWF counts in excess of five million supporter’s world-wide. You join a global movement.
- WWF needs your support as 90% of their income drawn from charitable donations.Without your help there is no WWF.
WWF’S Big Moments
Every charitable organization has milestones and goals to shout about, and here are five of WWF’s most important.
- 1960’s : WWF highlights that Africa’s Rhino and Elephant population face extinction unless conservation efforts are put in place.
- 1970’s : WWF provides the stimulus for the creation of national parks to protect wildlife, as well as sanctuaries for whales, dolphins and seals.
- 1980’s : WWF helps to achieve a ban on the international ivory trade as well as an international moratorium on whaling.
- 1990’s : WWF sees sustainable development integrated into England’s National Curriculum, so helping the next generation become environmentally aware.
- 2000’s : WWF brings together world leaders to pledge to double the Tiger population by 2022.
- 2010’s : Conserving the Arctic for communities and wildlife with a variety of schemes such as President Obama permanently withdrawing Bristol Bay from consideration for offshore drilling in 2014, and and portions of the Arctic being designated as off-limits for oil exploration which was ratified in 2019, maintaining a critical protection for more than 115 million acres of ocean.
WWF’S Key Reports
For fellow udopters wishing to learn more about the work of WWF, the following section lists some of their flagship publications in PDF format.
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