Born Free Adopt an Animal
UK Registered Charity Number 1070906
Supporting Born Free with udopt is easy. Choose one of their animals on the right hand side to help continue their important work. When udopt, you can expect to receive :
- A soft toy of your adoption animal
- An Adoption Pack, including a personalised certificate, animal story, fact sheet and glossy photo to display.
- Adopt Magazine – A copy of Born Free’s bi-annual Adopt magazine with exclusive updates.
About Born Free
Born Free’s mission is to make sure that all wild animals are treated fairly, and with compassion, whether they be in the wild or in captivity. They are opposed to the keeping of wild animals in captivity and work hard to educate against it. Their work takes them across the globe and in to all avenues that relate to wild animal welfare. They have nine working priorities which broadly encompass all that they do:
- A desire to end captive wild animal exploitation
- Campaigning for the elimination of trophy hunting
- Working towards ending the illegal wildlife trade
- Rescue and rehabilitation of individual wild animals
- Conservation – promoting human and wildlife co-existence
- Supporting the protection of wild animal habitats
- Creation of their Wildlife Protection Model – which includes work within wildlife law
- Education – informing and engaging communities to the welfare of wild animals
- UK Wildlife protection
Why supporting Born Free Makes Sense
- Supporting Born Free means wild animals around the world face a better future. Born Free work tirelessly to campaign and protect wild animals through multiple channels. These include but are not limited to; protecting threatened species, ending captive animal suffering and exploitation, rescuing individual wild animals, challenging the trade in wild animals and the hunting of wild animals.
- The money that goes towards an Adopt an Animal gift has an immediate impact on the lives of wild animals across the world. Born Free founder Virginia McKenna OBE explains, “A Born Free wild animal adoption provides money directly to support the care of individual wild animals or their families. Any extra funds go towards our projects to protect the species and its habitat. The adoption keeps you personally in touch with your adopted animal and, believe me, makes a real difference.”
Born Free’s Big Moments
Here are a few key moments in Born Free’s history.
- 1966 – Virginia McKenna OBE and Bill Travers MBE starred in the classic wildlife film Born Free. The film told the true story of conservationists Joy and George Adamson who rescued a lioness cub called Elsa and successfully returned her to the wild.
- 1969 – Virginia and Bill went on to make further wildlife films together, including the 1969 film ‘An Elephant Called Slowly’ with an elephant calf called Pole Pole. When filming was over, Pole Pole was gifted to London Zoo by the Kenyan government. Virginia and Bill did everything they could to prevent Pole Pole being held in captivity but their attempts were in vain.
- 1983 – Virginia and Bill launched a campaign to give Pole Pole a better life but aged 16, Pole Pole died.
- 1984 – Determined that Pole Pole’s death would not be in vain, Virginia, Bill and their eldest son Will launched Zoo Check, the charity that has evolved into Born Free. Today, Will Travers OBE is Born Free’s Executive President.
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